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DIY: Seven Ways to Get More Twitter Followings and Engagements

Twitter, popularly referred to as “bird app” in Nigeria, is a social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as tweets.

Twitter,  popularly referred to as “bird app” in Nigeria, is a social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as tweets. Many are of the opinion that Twitter remains the most difficult when it comes to getting followers and engagements, while others cannot handle the savagery tweets, bants and heat that come with Twitter. However, Twitter is arguably the easiest social networking platform where you can grow followers from the scratch, be yourself, and easily become a paid influencer.

Twitter is still among the top social network services today with over 330 million active users and statistics have revealed that half of all marketers cite Twitter as the most crucial network for engaging with customers. Twitter is not only simple to use, but it also helps brands reach and connect with a wider audience. In less than a year, I got 15,000 followers on twitter, my engagement improved greatly and I have had the privilege to serve as an influencer for many brands.

 Below you will find useful verified tips that will help you create a great profile and boost your twitter followings and engagement.

1. Create an inviting profile: Your profile is the first thing people and brands look out for to decide whether to follow you or not, so make it worthwhile by uploading a clean profile picture and header. Use a simple username and ensure that your username matches your profile name (e.g. Lyon Bill - @lyonbill). Also, add a short effective bio that leaves an impression on the mind of the reader. In addition, you may include links to other personal social networks, hashtags and goofy emojis in your bio.

2.Tweet frequently: If your goal is to gain more followings and engagement then it is important to stay active on Twitter and tweet frequently. 15 tweets per day are recommended.

3. Respond to tweets and mentions: Engage your followers by liking, retweeting or quoting their tweets and replies within 24 hours,

4.Utilize hashtags: Hashtag is an integral feature of twitter. It helps both your followers and non-followers easily find your tweets and contents. So jump on that hashtag today, tweet something about a trending topic and watch your audience and following grow.

5. Follow influencers and people within your network: Ensure you follow influencers and people within your niche and engage with their mentions and followers.

6. Post visual contents: Pictures, videos, GIF and memes get twitter users talking and they help boost the number of people who visit your profile and engage your tweets. 

7. Tag and shout outTag and shout out to food brands, clothing brands, financial institutions and all kinds of brands and vendors you patronize. They could mention you and this will help more people easily find and follow your page.

Extra tip: Pin your best tweet to your page and consider giveaways.